Paula Eisenstein is a writer and Vedic astrologer.

Based on her coming-of-age years as a competitive swimmer contending with both a sexual assault by a swim coach and social ostracization due to a family member’s criminal actions, Paula's novel Flip Turn was published by Mansfield Press in 2012.

Paula’s chapbook Flight Problems: Amelia Earhart Poems came out in the summer of 2024 from Pinhole Poetry.

Paula’s goal is to publish a full poetry collection of Amelia Earhart poems. As well as the chapbook publication some of Paula’s Amelia Poems have been published in The Rusty Toque, The Puritan and Big Smoke Poetry. Paula also received a creation grant from artsnb in 2022 for assistance with the project.

Prior to writing her novel, Paula studied with Western astrologer Noel Tyl. With the awareness that Uranus, the planet of ingenuity and change, was transiting over both her Mercury, planet of communication and Moon, ruler of her 10th house of career, Paula was emboldened to quit her day job and write that novel she always wanted to write.

In creating her Amelia Earhart poems, Paula not only uses biographical sources but relies on the structural integrity of Vedic Astrology’s Vimshottari Dasha technique to energize and inform the underlying narrative. 

Although a Western astrologer, whenever Paula looked for astrological help, she sought the guidance of Vedic astrologer Dennis Flaherty. She took up study with Dennis in 2021 so she could provide consultations for her clients that were up to her own standards. 

Paula has a Bachelor of Arts in English from Mount Allison University in New Brunswick, the province she returned to in 2020 just as the Covid pandemic hit. The relocation from Toronto, Ontario and departure from social service work was, once again, assisted by astrological timing measurements. The purpose of the change was to position herself to devote her energy to her twin passions, writing and astrology. 

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